You will gain...

  • Knowledge

    Expand your knowledge base with the latest science across a variety of topics.

  • Understanding

    Go further than the facts and stick around with us for the discussion. Knowledge without understanding limits our ability to think critically.

  • Application

    We stick with you until the light comes on and you're ready to apply what you've learned in new and innovative ways.


  • When will learners be able to access courses as an individual?

    Currently, we are offering access to our courses through organizations. We will launch our full course catalog for individual learners in summer 2024.

  • Will all courses be free?

    We are committed to keeping course costs reasonably priced so that all learners may benefit. We periodically offer free courses that offer an exceptional benefit, such as our Community Resiliency Model course.

  • How do organizations sign up to train their staff?

    Organizations are encouraged to contact us to learn more about professional development and training for staff.

  • How will I know about new courses that become available?

    Please sign up for our email list so that we can notify you when new courses become available.