How are we implementing systems-level change?

Advanced Practice Provider Integrated Substance Use Disorder Training

Exclusively for students admitted to the Advanced Practice Provider Integrated Substance Use Disorder Training Program at Emory University School of Nursing.

Department of Early Care and Learning

Since enrollment opened in August 2023, more than 131 staff from 35 centers have enrolled in the Infant and Early Childhood Professional Development Course, reaching 12 counties in Georgia.

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities

Between 2022-2023, we delivered more than 64 Bridges to Therapy: Community Resiliency Model Introduction & Workshop trainings to professionals across the state of Georgia. More than 370 individuals from 189 unique organizations attended a public or privately-offered training.

Our statewide collaborative partner.

  • Collaborating with Resilient Georgia's 16 regional coalitions to offer Community Resiliency Model trainings.

  • Use of evidence-based and trauma-informed interventions to support Georgia's System of Care.

  • Development of innovative approaches to help expand access to resiliency-informed services for all Georgians.

How are you supporting the wellbeing of your organization?

Schedule a meeting with us to learn more about innovative approaches for increasing the wellbeing of your organization or agency.